
Creating a community of oneness to discover our interconnectedness in a world full of division. 


Sharing art, culture and health resources to accentuate our interconnectedness.

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Product/Service Description:

ONOFOS is an online shop and community selling music, art and merchandise. ONOFOS will give 15% of its profits to a variety of local nonprofits that focus on the health of our current and future mental, physical, and environmental well-being. We will share resources that are in sync with our ethos of OneNeed, OneFeed, and OneSeed.


We focus strongly on what we feel is the most important ROI, our Return on Involvement — We want to be a part of the growing movement of brands that are more focused on community involvement and the positive contributions we can make locally. We feel this will create a stronger foundation for our youth and will help develop a healthier world where we can all flourish.

We will be working to fund local nonprofits who help those in the most need locally. While raising money through our sale of art and merchandise, we would like to share tools to break down personal and societal walls through mentorship, health and positivity.


Our mental wellbeing (OneNeed), the food we eat (OneFeed), and our interconnectedness as human beings to the natural world (OneSeed) are three foundations we all share. ONOFOS takes these elements and brings them together to create an interconnected community built off these three important components.

OneNeed is for mental health

OneFeed is for our physical wealth

OneSeed is for environmental stealth

OneNeed because we first must take care of our mental health

OneFeed because nutrition leads to a life full of physical wealth

OneSeed because coming together will give the environment a healing self

ONOFOS is to bring us all together today

OneNeed is to help our minds in a peaceful way

OneFeed is because our body is our own temple

OneNeed because life can be hard but still so simple

OneSeed is a reminder we r all ONE

ONOFOS reminds us to dance, love n have fun

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